Strand Alignment:
- Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) - ICT
- Alternative Learning System (ALS) passers
The BS Information Technology program includes the study of the utilization of both hardware and software technologies involving planning, installing, customizing, operating, managing and administering. and maintaining information technology infrastructure that provides computing solutions to address the needs of an organization
The program prepares graduates to address various user needs involving the selection, development, application, integration and management of computing technologies within an organization.
The BSIT graduates are expected to become globally competent, innovative, and socially and ethically responsible computing professionals engaged in life-long learning endeavors. They are capable of contributing to the country's national development goals.
Specific Professions/careers/occupations for Graduates:
Primary Job Roles
- Web and Applications Developer
- Junior Database Administrator
- Systems Administrator
- Network Engineer
- Junior Information Security Administrator
- Systems Integration Personnel
- IT Audit Assistant
- Technical Support Specialist
Secondary Job Roles
- QA Specialist
- Systems Analyst
- Computer Programmer