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Bachelor Of Science In Entrepreneurship

Strand Alignment:

  • Any Strand
  • Alternative Learning System (ALS) passers

Many entrepreneurs have achieved great success without the benefit of formal training. However, for every successful new business that we see, there are many more failed ventures that we never hear about. Through its combination of classroom training and experiential learning, the BS Entrepreneurship program will help aspiring entrepreneurs acquire the skills, values and attitudes that will increase their chances of success. 

The program goals for BS Entrepreneurship graduate within 2 to 5 years are as follows: 

  • Set up a business
  • Manage and operate a business
  • Assume Managerial position in the field of Business Development, Corporate Planning and other related positions in the corporate or Public organizations or Non-Government organizations. 

Specific professions/ careers/ occupations 

After completion of all academic requirements of the program, graduates of BS Entrepreneurship should be able to set up and manage their own business or work in any organization where entrepreneurial competencies are required. They should also be able to pursue other careers appropriate to a BS Entrepreneurship graduate such as Entrepreneurs, Business Development or Corporate Planning Development Staff/Assistant, Marketing Assistant or Staff